Publications (28)
Books (2)
- Machado, C., Davim, J.P., & Jesus. C. (2024) Capacitando as PME para uma transformação digital mais humanizada, sustentável e resiliente.
DOI/ISBN: 9789896947590 - De Souza, T., Soares, D., & Jesus, C. (2023). Lean healthcare: Casos aplicados no ciclo de melhoria contínua da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Passos. In EDITORA CRV eBooks.
Journal Papers (20)
- Ramin Rahmani , Bashir Bashiri , Sérgio I. Lopes , Abrar Hussain , Himanshu S. Maurya and Raivo Vilu, Sustainable Additive Manufacturing: An Overview on Life
Cycle Impacts and Cost Efficiency of Laser Powder Bed Fusion
DOI: - A. Hussain, J. Kübarsepp, F. Sergejev, D. Goljandin, I. Hussainova, V. Podgursky, K. Karjust, H.S Maurya, R. Rahmani, M. Sinka, D. Bajāre, A. Borodiņecs, Advanced Machine Learning and Experimental Studies of Polypropylene Based Polyesters Tribological Composite Systems for Sustainable Recycling Automation and Digitalization, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture
DOI : - Ramin Rahmani, Pedro R. Resende, Rúben Couto, Sérgio I. Lopes, Rahul Kumar, Himanshu S. Maurya, Javad Karimi, Alexandre M. Afonso, Abrar Hussain, João C.C. Abrantes, Structural analysis of selective laser melted copper-tin alloy, Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems, Volume 7, 2024, 100097, ISSN 2949-9178,
DOI : - Hussain, A., Goljandin, D., Podgursky, V., Yörük, C. R., Sergejev, F., Kübarsepp, J., … & Rahmani, R. (2024). Industrial sustainable Fabrication, SEM Characterization, mechanical Testing, ANOVA analysis of PP-PETF recycled Composites: Artificial intelligence and deep learning studies for nuclear shielding applications. European Polymer Journal, 113082.
DOI: - H.S. Maurya, R.J. Vikram, R. Kumar, R. Rahmani, K. Juhani, F. Sergejev, K.G. Prashanth, EBSD investigation of microstructure and microtexture evolution on additively manufactured TiC-Fe based cermets—Influence of multiple laser scanning, Micron, Volume 180, 2024, 103613, ISSN 0968-4328,
DOI: - Rahmani, R.; Jesus, C.; Lopes, S.I. Implementations of Digital Transformation and Digital Twins: Exploring the Factory of the Future. Processes 2024, 12, 787.
DOI: - Kumar R, Rezapourian M, Rahmani R, Maurya HS, Kamboj N, Hussainova I. Bioinspired and Multifunctional Tribological Materials for Sliding, Erosive, Machining, and Energy-Absorbing Conditions: A Review. Biomimetics. 2024; 9(4):209.
DOI: - Cotta, W. A. A., Lopes, S. I., & Vassallo, R. F. (2023). Towards the Cognitive Factory in Industry 5.0: From Concept to Implementation. Smart Cities, 6(4), 1901–1921.
DOI: - Barahouei Pasandi, H., Moradbeikie, A., Barros, D., Verde, D., Paiva, S., & Lopes, S. I. (2023, September). Improving BLE Fingerprint Radio Maps: A Method based on Fuzzy Clustering and Weighted Interpolation. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Enhanced Network Techniques and Technologies for the Industrial IoT to Cloud Continuum (pp. 41-47).
DOI: - Moradbeikie, A., Pasandi, H. B., Keshavarz, A., Rostami, H., Paiva, S., & Lopes, S. I. (2023, June). Towards Secure Edge-Based LoRaWAN for Next Generation Wireless Communications. In 2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
DOI: - Moradbeikie, A., Keshavarz, A., Rostami, H., Paiva, S., & Lopes, S. I. (2023). A cost-effective LoRaWAN-based IoT localization method using fixed reference nodes and dual-slope path-loss modeling. Internet of Things, 100990.
DOI: - Rahmani, R., Karimi, J., Kamboj, N., Kumar, R., Brojan, M., Tchórz, A., … & Lopes, S. I. (2023). Fabrication of localized diamond-filled copper structures via selective laser melting and spark plasma sintering. Diamond and Related Materials, 136, 109916.
DOI: - Rahmani, R., Lopes, S. I., & Prashanth, K. G. (2023). Selective Laser Melting and Spark Plasma Sintering: A Perspective on Functional Biomaterials. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 14(10), 521.
DOI: - Rahmani, R., Karimi, J., Resende, P. R., Abrantes, J. C., & Lopes, S. I. (2023). Overview of Selective Laser Melting for Industry 5.0: Toward Customizable, Sustainable, and Human-Centric Technologies. Machines, 11(5), 522
DOI: - Lima, R. M., Sousa, R. M., Costa, L., Jesus, C., Mesquita, D., Kengpol, A., … & Koomsap, P. (2023). Analysis of Teachers’ Competences for Industry 4.0 Subjects: A Case of Thai Higher Education Institutions. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, 16(4), 6233-6233.
DOI: - Fraga-Lamas, P., Barros, D., Lopes, S. I., & Fernandez-Carames, T. M.(2022). Mist and edge computing cyber-physical human-centered systems for Industry 5.0: a cost-effective IoT thermal imaging safety system. Sensors, 22(21).
DOI: - Jesus, C., Marcorin, A., Lima, R. M., Sousa, R. M., Souza, I. T., & Oliveira, E. (2022). SPC-based model for evaluation of training processes in industrial context.
DOI: - Ródenas García, M., Spinazzé, A., Branco, P. T., Borghi, F., Villena, G., Cattaneo, A., Lopes, S. I. … & Sousa (2022). Review of low-cost sensors for indoor air quality: Features and applications. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 57(9-10), 747-779.
DOI: - Curralo, A. F., Lopes, S. I., Mendes, J., & Curado, A. (2022). Joining sustainable design and internet of things technologies on campus: the IPVC smartbottle practical case. Sustainability, 14(10), 5922.
DOI: - Alves, L., Ferreira Cruz, E., Lopes, S. I., Faria, P. M., & Rosado da Cruz, A. M. (2022). Towards circular economy in the textiles and clothing value chain through blockchain technology and IoT: A review. Waste Management & Research, 40(1), 3-23.
Conference Papers (8)
Jesus, C., Pontes, E., Lima, R. M., & Sérgio Ivan Lopes. (2024). Adopting Industry 4.0 and Lean Practices in Heavy Metalworking: Impact of Human Factors on Productivity. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 241–252.
Rahmani, R., Karimi, J., Davoodi, F., Abrantes, J., Resende, P., & Lopes, S. I. (2023). Additive Manufacturing Integrated Technologies Applied to Human Machine Interfaces: An Industry 5.0 Overview. Euro PM2023 Proceedings.
DOI: Pontes, E., Moradbeikie, A., Azevedo, R., Jesus, C., & Lopes, S. I. (2023). Ergonomic Posture Assessment and Tracking for Industrial Cyber-Physical-Human Systems: A Case Study in the Heavy Metalworking Industry.
DOI: - Barros, D. S., Da Cruz, A. M., & Lopes, S. I. (2023, April). Hybrid Building Occupancy Estimation using Thermal Imaging and Environmental Sensing. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
DOI: - Santos, J. E., Nunes, M., Pires, M., Rocha, J., Sousa, N., Adão, T., … & Oliveira, E. (2022, November). Generic XR game-based approach for industrial training. In 2022 International Conference on Graphics and Interaction (ICGI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
DOI: - Azevedo, R., Silva, J. P., Lopes, N., Curado, A., Nunes, L. J., & Lopes, S. I. (2022, June). Designing an IoT-enabled Data Warehouse for Indoor Radon Time Series Analytics. In 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
DOI: - Araújo, P., da Cruz, A. R., & Lopes, S. I. (2022, June). Iot and blockchain technologies for process traceability in the shipbuilding industry. In 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
DOI: - Jesus, C., Lima, R. M., Barretiri, L., & Lopes, S. I. (2022, June). A Maturity Model Proposal with Readiness Level Assessment for Organizational Processes Improvement. In 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.